joi, 13 noiembrie 2008


Melancholy showed up at my door last night. She was cold and hungry, but had a strange smile on her round and grey face.
She took a shower, ate the food I had cooked for her and then said she was sleepy and needed some two/three hours to "just disconnect from the world"...
When she woke up, it was already the next morning...Furious with rage, she stormed away from my apartment, half naked, down the streets of that blue and yellow town, in search for someone she called "The Truth".

Hours later, she returned. Tired and hungry again, she rang the bell. This time it was not my first self who opened the door, but my second. This self was, how should I put it, much more selfish, maniac and kinda sadistic. The food it cooked was half cold, the water was muddy and this made Melancholy feel bad about her life and she cried. Dark tears fell on the floor, turning into emeralds and rubies...

She ran away again, this time for good. My two selves laughed like mads, like idiots and decided it was time for a "fiesta loca"! They bought food and wine, even some whiskey with her tears and it was, I must say, one of the best parties ever!

In the middle of the party, Rain and Snow showed up - Melancholy had sent them to punish those "wretched idiots"...but they were nowhere to be found. They had returned inside of me...with one message: TRY AND MAKE YOURSELF FEEL BETTER ABOUT EVERYTHING!

luni, 10 noiembrie 2008

Alo, domnu', imi vreau organele inapoi!!

Ca sa nu pierd timpul...articol dintr.un cotidian...tema socanta, titlu pe masura. Ca sa nu se spuna ca ma iau de colegii ziaristi, aleg sa ma exprim altfel: fii viu, fii constient si decide-te rapid daca vrei sau nu sa contribui la pieirea/salvarea altei fiinte umane!

Cu un ton de morga, as spune, la ora asta, ca as vrea cumva sa fiu salvata (daca se mai poa', of course) de la o moarte sigura de organul (inima, ficatul...) altei persoane. Intreb, totusi, de ce nu luam de la porci? Macar aia nu au constiinta si oricum sunt hacuiti mai ceva ca oamenii de sarbatori...

In alta ordine de idei, daca as fi in situatia sa donez organe...m-as gandi de doua ori si as face si un inventar in prealabil...ceva de genul: una bucata obosit si plin de nervi; una bucata vezica biliara...saracutza de ea, cam in pioneze dar merge asa, pentru inca o tura; plamanii...plini de fum, smog, nicotina, aer conditionat, etc; abtin...adica, na, functioneaza, dar nu ii pot intreba la ce capacitate.

Restul organelor, ei bine, nu au purtator de cuvant, deci nu se pot exprima/manifesta. Dar, revenind la situatia sa donez organe... chiar daca as fi inconstienta sau trei sferturi pe moarte, forta sa ma ridic in sezut/fund/bombeu si as urla din toti rarunchii: Alo, domnu', imi vreau organele inapoi!!